मई 19, 2012

SSC Graduate Level ANSWER KEY 2012

SSC CGL Answer Key 2012- Graduate Level

The official answer key of the SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier 1 exam would be published by the commission on its official website ssc.nic.in
Most likely the answer key would be made available within two weeks of the examination dates – 1st and 8th July 2012. This year SSC introduced a new type of OMR sheet for the examination which was better and conducive for the candidates and it is expected that the number of inadvertent errors in answering the questions might have come down.
Where you will get the answer key on the SSC website:
We would suggest you to keep track of the latest news section of the official website, any new event is definitely published in that section.
Direct Link to Latest News Section: (Visit)

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*अपनी बात*

अपनी बात---थोड़ी भावनाओं की तासीर,थोड़ी दिल की रजामंदी और थोड़ी जिस्मानी धधक वाली मुहब्बत कई शाख पर बैठती है ।लेकिन रूहानी मुहब्बत ना केवल एक जगह काबिज और कायम रहती है बल्कि ताउम्र उसी इक शख्सियत के संग कुलाचें भरती है ।