मई 14, 2012


Bihar STET result 2012 that was expected to be announced today has been postponed for a day. The results are likely to be declared on Thursday, June 14, 2012.
The results of Bihar STET will be available on the Bihar board website http://biharboard.net/
The exam for Bihar STET was held on February 17, 2012 on several centers across state.
Previously the board had declared results of Bihar TET that was held for appointment of teachers in primary and secondary schools of the state.
The declaration of Bihar STET results 2012 will facilitate the recruitment of high school teachers in Bihar.

2 टिप्‍पणियां:


*अपनी बात*

अपनी बात---थोड़ी भावनाओं की तासीर,थोड़ी दिल की रजामंदी और थोड़ी जिस्मानी धधक वाली मुहब्बत कई शाख पर बैठती है ।लेकिन रूहानी मुहब्बत ना केवल एक जगह काबिज और कायम रहती है बल्कि ताउम्र उसी इक शख्सियत के संग कुलाचें भरती है ।