अक्टूबर 08, 2012


This report by http://www.100marks.in :  Yesterday IIT Joint Admission Committee has made a startling confirmation on the eligibility for admissions into IIT, while MHRD has been quite vocal until now on saying that top 20 percentile in 12th board will serve as eligibility criteria for all the students who have passed 12th board in 2012 and 2013.
But now IIT JAB has declared that eligibility for students who have passed 12th board in 2012 is only 60% marks, while top 20 percentile cut-off will stay for students appearing for 12th board in 2013 and also for students who will be sitting for 12th board in 2013 and will be using 2013 score for admission.
The official notification reads
In respect of those students who passed their Board exam for the first time in 2012, the eligibility criteria for joining any of the IITs or ISM Dhanbad will be 60% marks in their 12th Board or equivalent (55% for SC/ST/PD candidates). For those candidates who appear in their Board exams for the first time in 2013, the eligibility criteria will remain ‘top 20 percentile of the successful candidates’ in their Boards, category-wise. This will be a one-time exception for JEE (Advanced) 2013 only.
For those students who passed their 12th Board exams in 2012 but are re-appearing in the 2013 Board exams with a view to improve their performance, 60% rule will apply if they use their 2012 Board exam results and ‘top 20 percentile’ rule will apply if they use their 2013 Board exam results. This too will be a one-time exception for JEE (Advanced) 2013 only.
In case the percentile score is not available from testing agencies [such as Pre-University exam conducted by a University, two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy, General Certificate Education examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka), High School Certificate Examination of Cambridge University, International Baccalaureate Diploma (Geneva), Senior Secondary School Examination of National Institute of Open Schooling, three year Diploma recognized by AICTE / State Board of Technical Education and any Public School/Board/University examination in India or in any foreign country recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)] the CBSE score for top 20 percentile of the successful candidates in the student’s category will be used.
                                         THIS FACT BY http://www.100marks.in

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*अपनी बात*

अपनी बात---थोड़ी भावनाओं की तासीर,थोड़ी दिल की रजामंदी और थोड़ी जिस्मानी धधक वाली मुहब्बत कई शाख पर बैठती है ।लेकिन रूहानी मुहब्बत ना केवल एक जगह काबिज और कायम रहती है बल्कि ताउम्र उसी इक शख्सियत के संग कुलाचें भरती है ।